Tag: cost of living

1/3 of colleges greatly underestimate living costs

Posted on September 12th, 2018

"If you're aligning your work and borrowing decisions based on aid from the university, there's a possibility you can go through a perfect financial planning exercise and still end up short in the fall." -- David Helene, Edquity

You’re prepared for college. You know exactly how much you’ll have to pay, have borrowed the appropriate amount, and shouldn’t have any unexpected expenses. Right? Not so fast, say researchers. If you planned for college costs using your college’s cost of living estimates, there’s a good chance the amount of money you’ve budgeted will fall […]

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Many colleges underestimate their true cost

Posted on July 23rd, 2015

We all know that college is expensive, but what’s most alarming is that many colleges who list their total cost of attendance are actually underestimating the price.

That’s because many colleges (one-third, in fact) are underestimating the cost of living in the city where students reside.

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